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‘Much-needed’ nighttime economy review to cut red tape

Hospitality businesses, particularly in the nighttime economy, continue to face high costs and barriers to growth.

The Conservative Party has committed in its manifesto to a review of the nighttime economy in England, which will include overhauling licensing laws and planning rules.

Our response

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality, said: “The nighttime economy is the beating heart of our vibrant nightlife in the UK. A comprehensive review to ensure it’s firing on all cylinders is a positive and much-needed commitment for hospitality businesses.

“Addressing the challenges of planning, licensing and other red tape is essential and, alongside reducing the burden of business rates on hospitality businesses, will allow the sector to drive growth, attract visitors and create places where people want to live, work and invest.

“This review would complement my recommendation as chair of London’s Night Time Commission to develop a holistic approach between government, local authorities and regulatory bodies to build a vibrant and diverse nighttime economy.”

Kate Nicholls was chair of London’s Night Time Commission, where she led the groundbreaking ‘Think Night’ report into London’s nightlife.